We have built a strong, viable, competitive, and accountable organisation driven by structures, practices, and codes based on good governance.

Our Board ensures that the strategy is relevant, in line with current and emerging investor and stakeholder requirements, making adjustments and changes to maintain short, medium and long-term value-focused objectives.

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King IV Application register for the year ended 31 March 2023

This register details the principles set out in the King IV Report on Corporate Governance for South Africa 2016 (King IV) and includes comments regarding the application of each principle by Salungano, for the financial year ended 31 March 2023.

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Board Charter

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Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee TOR

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Nomination Committee TOR

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Remuneration Committee TOR

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Social and Ethics Committee TOR

Wescoal shall implement a meticulous, sustainable remuneration policy that supports its strategy, risk appetite, business objectives and core values. Wescoal has, as a basis of its values, a firm appreciation of its people as its most valued asset. At the heart of our remuneration practice is sustainability and ethical reward. The Board Remuneration Committee is currently reviewing this policy.

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Remuneration Policy

Whistle Blowers

In our effort to create an ethically compliant business environment, our company utilizes the private and confidential services of Whistle Blowers (Pty) Ltd, who is an accredited and registered member of the Ethics Institute of South Africa, in order to achieve our goal.
0800 11 36 30

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Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy

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Salungano Ethics Pledge

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Salungano Group Limited B-BBEE Certificate

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Salungano Group Limited Subsidiary List

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Salungano Group Limited B-BBEE Compliance Report